Sunday, May 5, 2013

Two years after I finished with my blog which must have been the shortest blog in history, I have decided to start it up again.  This time I intend to keep it ticking along with at least a post a week to keep you all up to date with the happenings or not in my life.

First of all is the long awaited build of my little retirement home which I am so excited about.  I designed the home using a program called "Chief Architect".   It is a very basic little home that will suit my requirements as I move forward to retirement in about eight years time.  Hopefully it will able to achieve the 7.5 star rating which is far above the 6 star which new homes must meet in Tasmania.  Unfortunately you have to spend a lot more than what I have to achieve the bigger figures.

I visited the Designers' Show at Princes Wharf today and met up with Sarah B. from Molly's Maison who first inspired me to start a blog those few years ago when I first read her blog.  Pop on over to her blog as she is a clever lady.

Well that's it for the first post, I'm off now to iron my clothes for work tomorrow!

Best wishes,
