Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lotto Win

I seem to be very blessed lately, I have just won on the Lotto, only a small amount but enough until DHHS gets it’s pay system going properly and pays me.  So again I thank whoever is watching over me.



  1. Congratulations, that's fantastic! I have been thinking that I might get a ticket for this weekend as I need a bit of good luck to come my way.
    I look forward to seeing a before and after of the kitchen cabinet :)

  2. Hi Sarah,
    I'll send some luck your way.....:)

  3. Congratulations! And may your 2011 be lucky, healthy and happy. I reckon discovering your batteries were in your camera the wrong way is pretty lucky too.

  4. Happy New Year to you too Sarah, hope 2011 is a good year for you also.

  5. Congratulations Carolyn and thank you so much for the tip today. Your blog is lovely, I really like the background you've chosen. Rachaelxx

  6. Thanks for dropping by Rachael,
    I am finding it difficult to work out what to add, just been a bit crook lately so no motivation at the moment.
